Thursday, 25 June 2020
What to eat to increase body immunity?
Feeding some foods to your body can keep your immune system strong. If you are looking for ways to prevent colds and flu, then your first step should be to visit your local grocery store. Plan your meals to include these 15 powerful immune system boosters and then you see a complete new change with a new body glow that means your body immunity start increasing this process is complete natural.
I read many question everywhere like -
- Strong Immune is very important to protect you from dangerous disease.
I read many question everywhere like -
How to build your immune system to fight hpv
How to build your immune system back up after antibiotics
For all questions one answer eat better get better.
What to eat to increase body immunity?
Disease enhancing foods
Citrus fruit
Most people prefer to eat vitamin C after the cold is over. This is because it helps in boosting the immune system. Vitamin C works to increase the production of white blood cells. They also help a lot to fight infection. Citrus fruits include grapes, oranges, tangerine, lemon, clementine.
If you think citrus fruits contain the highest vitamin C, then you think that it is wrong. Let us tell you that paprika contains twice as much vitamin C as compared to citrus (carotene). They are also a rich source of beta carotene. In addition to boosting your immune system, capsicum can also help maintain healthy skin with vitamin C. Beta carotene helps to keep your eyes and skin healthy.
Broccoli is rich in vitamins and many minerals. It contains vitamins A, C, and E as well as many other antioxidants and fibers. Broccoli is one of those healthy vegetables, its intake keeps you healthy and also increases immunity.
Garlic is used in almost every cuisine in the world. It is necessary for your health. Actually it also helps in fighting infection. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health Trusted Source, garlic can help lower blood pressure and harden the arteries. Garlic is full of immunity-enhancing properties.
After getting sick, the use of ginger helps you in fighting diseases. Ginger also works to reduce inflammation in the body. It can help in reducing the sore throat and other inflammatory diseases. Ginger can also help reduce nausea. Ginger can help in reducing chronic pain and it also has cholesterol-lowering properties and it also works to increase immunity.
Spinach made it to this list because it is rich in vitamin C. It is rich in many antioxidants and beta carotene, which increases our immunity and helps the immune system fight infection. Similar to broccoli, spinach is also good for health, but as long as it is cooked sparingly so that it retains its nutrients. However, light cooking increases its vitamin A and frees other nutrients from oxalic acid.
When it comes to preventing and fighting colds, vitamin E is the only good option. However, vitamin E strengthens an immune system. It is a fat soluble vitamin, which means that the presence of fat is absorbed properly. Nuts, such as almonds, are also healthy fats with vitamins.
Turmeric is used in almost all households in India. But do you know that it has been used for years to treat both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, researched sources reveal that curcumin, which gives it a dark yellow color, also has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps reduce muscle damage.
Papaya is rich in vitamin C. You can meet the recommended amount of vitamin C in a single papaya. Papaya also contains a digestive enzyme called papain, which has anti-inflammatory effects. Papaya contains a good amount of potassium, vitamin B and folate, which are beneficial for your overall health and also increases immunity.
Like papaya, kiwis are also one of the naturally essential Nutrients, including Folate, Potassium, Vitamin K, and Vitamin C. Vitamin C increases white blood cells to fight infection, while other nutrients in kiwi help the rest of your body to function properly and the disease also increases immunity.
To keep your body healthy you must eat right. Which works to protect you from flu, cold, and other diseases. If you have a minor infection very soon then you should take all these things. These will protect you from many types of diseases and help you in increasing immunity.
If you like and you need more guide comment in the comment box.
Thanks for Reading
Monday, 22 June 2020
Indian home remedies for nose bleeding
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Indian home remedies for nose bleeding |
Many diseases start to surround us as the summer season approaches. In addition, you will notice that sometimes the nose bleeds. It is also called Hemorrhage. Bleeding is not usually a serious disease. Sometimes due to excess heat, rapid blood circulation causes blood vessels inside the nose to rupture and bleeding from the nose begins. In addition, there are many reasons for bleeding from the nose.
What is the causes of Nose bleeding?
Cold and cough
Coldness significantly increases the risk of bleeding by irritating the nasal lining. Dry chill creates an ideal condition for bleeding in the nasal lining with air. Do not force with a soft nasal tissue when you have a cold, rather clean it slowly.
Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses, which causes dryness and bleeding in the nasal membranes. This problem is caused by viral or bacterial infection. The sinusitis problem is exacerbated by allergies or dust. To prevent these problems, you have to take measures to reduce inflammation in the mucus membrane. For which you will have to take cold-cough medicine.
Dry Air
Dry air can also be a cause of bleeding from the nose. When the climate around us becomes dry and you are using the central heating system, you are at the highest risk of bleeding. Actually, these blood vessels become thin due to heat. This can cause infection and rapid blood flow. Which can prove to be dangerous for you. So drink as much water as possible.
Finger to nose
Usually, due to putting a finger in the nose, sometimes blood comes also. Which is considered a common cause. The blood vessels in the front of the nasal membrane (the middle part of your nose) start bleeding quickly. Trauma in these delicate blood vessels causes easy bleeding. If children have continuous bleeding, it may be a sign of hemophilia. In this disease, the blood flow of that patient is higher than normal people.
Indian Home remedies to stop nose bleeding
Apple vinegar
It contains acid that constricts blood vessels, thereby stopping bleeding. Take a spoonful of apple cider vinegar or white vinegar and dip cotton in it and apply cotton on the affected nostril for 8 to 10 minutes.
Lavender oil
You can treat bleeding with either pressing oil or lavender oil. Cipress oil has astringent properties while lavender oil corrects injury to nasal blood vessels. Take two to three drops of oil and keep a cup of water and a paper towel.
Add essential oil to the water and soak a paper towel in it. Squeeze the paper and place it on the nose for a few minutes.
Onion is used as a Chinese medicine to stop bleeding. The steam of onion juice helps prevent bleeding by forming blood clots. For this you will need a quarter of onions and cotton.
Grind the onion and extract its juice and soak cotton in it and apply it on the nostril for 3 to 4 minutes. You can also smell the onion by applying it on the nose.
The snow
Take a few pieces of ice and wrap them in a clean and soft towel. Now apply it on the nose and cool for 4 to 5 minutes. With the coolness of the ice, the body can quickly form blood clots, which stops bleeding. Bleeding from the nose does not stop, as long as it can be done several times a day.
Vitamin E
Take a vitamin E capsule and place its oil in a bowl. Apply this oil on the nose and leave it overnight. Vitamin E oil can keep the nasal membranes moist.
Salt water
Take half a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of baking soda and one and a half cups of water. Add salt and baking soda to the water. Now pour this mixture into a syringe and into the nostril. During this time, the second nostril should be closed.
Now tilt the forehead down and allow the water to come out. You must repeat this several times. Saline water relieves more mucus-causing infections in the nasal passages.
Natal leaf
Take a spoonful of nut leaf tea, a cup of hot water and a cotton pad. Put the betel leaf tea in hot water and after it cools down, dip a cotton pad in it and apply it on the nose. Apply a cotton pad to the nose until the bleeding stops.
Natal leaf is affected by natural astringent and hemostatic agent. It can treat bleeding due to allergies.
Lack of water in the body can also cause bleeding. In the summer season it is better to drink plenty of water and consume more and more fluids. If you have a problem of hemorrhage, drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
Taking steam also stops bleeding from the nose. There is moisture in the nasal cavity when inhaled and there is no dryness, which reduces the risk of bleeding.
Thanks for Reading. In case nose bleeding happen again and again please contact to your doctor.
Sunday, 21 June 2020
Easy Ways: How to lose weight at home for free
In today's age, the increasing weight of people is becoming a major problem for them. People also go to the gym to reduce their increasing weight, but that does not benefit them much. I wish that if you eat anything and your weight does not increase, then it will be good for you and you will also be able to survive many diseases, but this is impossible to happen. Every person's body is of different type, not all are equal. But how will you reduce your increasing weight, that too we will talk about it today while sitting at home. Its remove your complete body weight as well as it works to remove your hips weight at home.
Due to weight gain
Laying down immediately after eating: People who lie down immediately after eating or sitting for long periods of time also gain weight.
Do not eat food when you are hungry: When you feel hungry and then you do not eat food, then because of this you eat too much food at one time and slowly it becomes your habit.
Irregular routine: Due to this you are suffering from many diseases, the main reason of obesity is your wrong day.
Always eating something or the other: This habit occurs in many people, due to which their fat increases very fast.
Do not exercise at all: People who do not exercise at all and do not do manual labor, it happens to them as well.
Excess intake of fast food: Nowadays increasing weight is also becoming a part of the lives of children who have lost weight, the biggest reason behind this is fast food.
Excess of oil and greasy food: More spicy food and greasy food increases the fatness of your body.
Always sitting: In today's time there are many people who do sitting jobs due to which they gain weight.
Thyroid: For those who gain weight, thyroid may also be one of the reasons behind it. Because there are many people who have thyroid and their weight increases rapidly.
Tips to lose weight at home
Green tea
By consuming green tea, you can reduce your weight faster than normal, it contains such antioxidants. This keeps your metabolism good, it also removes toxic substances from your body. You can view 2 to 3 green tea throughout the day.
Drink plenty of water
If you feel very hungry then you should consume more water. Your appetite will start to decrease and with this your digestive system will also become right and your body will remain hydrated.
Limit food intake
Your weight increases even faster when your food is more than a limited amount. You are also troubled by your eating habits and this is the reason that your weight starts increasing. So it is very important that you eat a limited amount of food. Even by doing this you can reduce your weight at home.
Ways to lose weight at home
If you want to reduce your weight by staying at home, then for this you will have to do exercise or yoga by lifting it daily in the morning, by doing this you can reduce your weight at home.
Balasana (Yoga)
Along with reducing the stomach, Balasana also makes your muscles strong. To do this, sit on your knees on the ground. Take a deep breath and lean forward. Your chest should touch the thighs and try to touch the floor with the forehead.
Bhujangasana (Yoga)
If you have excess fat on your stomach and you want to reduce it, then do Bhujangasana daily, it will be very beneficial for you. Only by staying at home you will be able to lose weight. By doing this asana, weight starts decreasing very quickly. Lie on your stomach to do Bhujangasana. Now put both your hands under your forehead. Keep it with both toes. Then raise your forehead and bring both hands as shoulders.
Kapalbhati (Yoga)
It helps to keep your whole body healthy. To do Kapalabhati Pranayama, you have to choose an open environment (where there is pure air) and a clean place. Then place your hands on your knees in the gynecoma and breathe fast and do this for at least 15 minutes, this will reduce your weight rapidly.
Dhanurasana (Yoga)
It is a little difficult to do this easy, more obese people are not able to do this easy. To do this easy, first lie down on your stomach. Then, connect the legs together. Bend both your legs. Hold the ankles of both feet with hands by keeping a foot gap between the knees and toes. With the help of hands, raise the knees, thighs and torso of both feet upwards.
Chakrasana (Yoga)
Along with this easy weight loss, it also maintains energy in your body, to do this easy you first lie down on your back, then bend your curves and reverse your hands like head, after that your hands and feet Lift your body upward with the help of this, your weight will be reduced quickly.
Friday, 19 June 2020
Quick: How to control weight in lockdown include these things in your diet
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How to control weight in lockdown include these things in your diet |
Most people are troubled by weight gain problem. In such a situation, people keep adopting many ways to lose weight and reduce fat. Currently the lockdown time is running nationwide. This is a great time to lose belly fat and lose weight. Because you have no shortage of time.
The easiest way to reduce belly fat can be a healthy diet and some exercise. You can use your free time at home to reduce your weight. Today we will tell you about some tips and diet, which will help in reducing your belly fat.
Diet to control weight in lockdown
Along with keeping bones and teeth strong, calcium is also very helpful in weight loss. Several studies have shown that taking a calcium-rich diet reduces the risk of weight gain.
Use of fiber is very important to reduce weight. There are two types of fiber, both soluble and insoluble, essential for health. Hormones are balanced by its intake. Fiberization takes a long time, due to which you do not feel hungry for a long time. You do not eat much of it and your weight remains in control.
Watermelon and Watermelon
There is usually a shortage of water during the summer season. Since watermelon and watermelon are fruits of the summer season and are rich in water, their consumption helps to overcome the lack of water in the person. Also, hunger is also controlled for a long time after its intake and there is no lack of nutritious elements in the body. Therefore it is good to eat watermelon and cantaloupe to lose weight. If you want to lose weight quickly in summer, then include watermelon and watermelon in your regular diet.
If you want to lose weight quickly in summer, then tomatoes should be included in the diet. Like watermelon, tomato is also rich in water. It is rich in potassium. It can also prove to be very helpful in reducing weight.
If you want to lose weight quickly in summer, then avoid diet. Eating salad will be beneficial for you. Taking cucumber, cucumber etc. in salad during the summer season will give you nutrition and the lack of water in the body will be fulfilled. Eating a salad will keep you full longer and make you less hungry. Salad is extremely beneficial for losing weight.
Curd and Lassi
If you want to lose weight quickly in summer, then you must eat dairy products. Curd and lassi should be consumed in summer. Eating curd in this season will help to keep your body cool as well as cool and also reduce weight. Curd and lassi can be consumed alone or with food.
Lemon and Seasonal
Lemon and citrus are sour due to seasonal citric acid. Both are beneficial in reducing weight. Lemon can be consumed by Lemonade Maker. If honey is substituted in place of sugar in lemon tree, it gives more benefits. Similarly, consuming seasonal juice is also beneficial in reducing weight.
Carrots are low calorie and high. For this reason, it can prove to be a great medicine to lose weight. Carrots also boost your metabolism, keeping weight under control. Apart from this, it helps to digest food easily and also keeps away from problems like constipation, diarrhea.
Ginger contains antioxidants that help in reducing weight and reducing abdominal fat. Apart from this, ginger also helps in suppressing your hunger, so that you do not have the craving to eat more and your weight is also controlled. A 2018 study that included overweight people suggested that ginger may help reduce body weight and rapid glucose levels by increasing cholesterol, regardless of whether HDL is increased.
Broccoli contains calcium and vitamin-C which increases metabolism and helps to burn body fat. In addition, it improves fitment and helps control weight. It also controls your hunger, so that you do not have to crave for unhealthy children to eat.
Cabbage contains antioxidants and vitamin-C which can help in losing weight. Burns abdominal fat as well. The nutrients present in the cabbage burn excess body fat and keep the body in shape. So include cabbage in your diet daily.
It is also a very important nutrient. People generally do not value it. It is very helpful in flushing out many toxins from the body. By including this in your diet, the kidneys and heart work correctly.
Omega-3 Fatty Acid
Omega-3 fatty acids are very beneficial for heart health and skin. This keeps hunger under control. According to experts, omega-3 fatty acids strengthen metabolism. Also, more calories are burnt.
Thursday, 18 June 2020
Check Right Now: Symptoms of lung infection
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Check Right Now: Symptoms of lung infection |
Lungs are an important part of our body. Lung infection has a bad effect on the body. Lungs have difficulty breathing due to infection. Lungs are commonly called lungs. Healthy lungs are very important for breathing properly.
When viruses, bacteria begin to develop and develop in a person's lungs, infection starts in the lungs. There are small bags of air in the lungs which are called air sacs. Due to lung infections, pus or other fluid gets filled in these bags, due to which the patient has difficulty in breathing.
Causes of infection in lungs.
Eating ice
Children do this activity a lot, they like to eat ice, this causes infection in their lungs.
Smoking more
People who smoke too much are at risk of lung infection.
Water after fruit
For example, eating fruit is good for health, but if it is not taken care of then it affects health. Drinking water immediately after eating the fruit increases the risk of lung infection.
Sweat and cold water
Most people are sweaty in summer and in that case drink cold water or cold drink. Doing this causes damage to the lungs and the risk of lung infection.
Live without pollution
If you stay away from smoke and pollution for a long time without a mask or mouth covering, then there is an increased risk of lung infection.
Go maskless in ICU ward
Lung infections can also be caused by going to the ICU ward of the hospital without a mask and staying in the ward for a long time. This is because the bacteria present in the ward directly attack the langs.
Lung malfunction symptoms.
If you start breathing while climbing stairs or doing some minor labor, it means that everything is not right in your lungs. Many times it happens that even when lying on the bed, the breath starts swelling. These are symptoms of a serious lung problem. If not treated properly, it increases the risk of serious respiratory disease.
Become more mucus
If too much phlegm comes out while coughing, it is also a sign of severe lung disease. Also, if you have been coughing for more than three months, it can be a symptom of bronchitis.
Pain in chest
Chest pain is often a symptom of heart disease, but if you feel chest pain while sneezing, coughing or breathing, it can be a sign of a virus infection in the lungs.
Difficulty breathing
If you are experiencing any kind of wheezing from your lungs then it can be a sign of lame dysfunction. This type of problem is caused by dirt or bacteria due to lack of oxygen supply in the langs or due to blockage in the arteries.
persistent cough
It is common to cough during a cold, fever, and a sore throat, but if you have a cough for 8 consecutive weeks, it may be symptoms of bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, or TB.
If there is blood in the mucus while coughing, then understand that there is some disease in your lungs. By the way, bleeding in the mucus is mainly a symptom of tuberculosis. So don't delay but go to the doctor as soon as possible.
Monday, 28 October 2019
Acne Problem In Adults
Acne Problem In Adults
Are you facing stub born adult acne that's not going away despite of treatment? Be altered. You might be suffering. Acne is a skin disease you could face at any stage of life. Cosmetic concerns are connected to acne and treatment for acne is among the most commonly discussed issues that were skincare. 80 percent of people face acne at some stage - Cushing Syndrome is a disease that has consequences. Unless the underlying cause is corrected acne vulgaris can't be treated. Speak to your doctor as soon as you detect symptoms because dismissing symptoms and trying to treat acne is because of the complications of the disease. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia - That diagnosed at birth and is a condition that is congenital.
Nevertheless, in some irregular cases of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, the symptoms aren't as marked so the disease might remain undiagnosed.
Thursday, 30 May 2019
Develop A New Healthy Habit By Education Wanion
Develop A New
Healthy Habit
As control that is
truncal is gained by infants, they progress from sucking liquids - reclined
position to eating foods. Motor skills progress from a suck swallow mechanism
with formula or breast milk into a chew mechanism with solids. 1, 2 When
children gain fine motor control, they advance from being fed only by others to
partial self feeding. Their diet extends to the diet, through purees and foods,
from formula or breast milk. Children may chew and swallow, can sit
independently a selection of textures, are learning how to feed themselves and
are making their transition. As children transition into the family diet,
recommendations address not just food, but also the circumstance that is
A wide range of foods encourage food approval and diet quality,
together with early. Data accumulated across 11 countries on infants and
children 6 to 23 months old have shown a positive association between nutrient
status and variety. 3 Exposure to vegetables and fruits in infancy and
childhood have been associated with acceptance of those foods at later ages.
Children eating patterns and food personal preferences are established early in
life. When kids refuse nutritious foods like fruits or veggies, mealtimes can
get stressful or confrontational, and kids can be denied both the nutrients
they need and healthful, responsive interactions with caregivers.
Caregivers who're inexperienced or stressed, and those
who've poor eating routine themselves, can be most in need of help to
facilitate healthful, nutritious mealtime behavior with their children.
Problems associated with consumption occur in 25% to 45% of all kids,
especially when kids are acquiring new skills and are challenged using new
meals or mealtime expectations. 7 For instance, infancy and toddlerhood are
portrayed by bids for autonomy and independence as kids strive to do things
themselves. When these characteristics are applied how to eating behaviors,
kids can be neophobic and insist on some limited repertoire of foods, 8 leading
them to be clarified as picky eaters.
Most eating issues are temporary and easily solved with
little or no intervention. Nevertheless, eating conditions that persist could
undermine the growth, development, and relationships with their care providers,
resulting in long term health and developmental problems. 9 Children with
persistent eating issues whose care providers don't seek professional advice
till the problems become severe, can be at risk of growth or behaviour
problems. Eating patterns have developmental, household and environmental
influences. As kids become developmentally capable of making the transition to
household foods, their internal regulatory cues for hunger and satiety can be
overridden by familial and cultural patterns.
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